This is my personal notes when i try to learn Vi editor
To input press 'i'
Finish input press 'esc'
To change cursor, don't forget to press "esc" after that:
Button Function
h Left one character
j Down one character
k Up one character
l Right one character
Simple editing:
Button Function
x Delete One character in cursor position
4x Delete 3 character to right
X (Uppercase) Delete one character to left
3dw(Fast) Delete 3 word
dd Delete 1 row
2dd Delete two rows
D (Uppercase) Delete all rows to end (start from cursor)
r Change character in cursor
'esc' and press r to input
cw Change Words
C (Uppercase) Change Rows
a Insert character in the end of row
o Insert new row
u Undo
:w (Press shift) To save but for the first you must press 'esc'
:q (Press shift) Quit
/ Find words